About Siphiwo

My name is Siphiwo Zenzile, and I'm extremely passionate about visual communication and all its components vital in formulating messages, that become very crucial in coming up with solutions to specific problems. As a young graphic designer, I understand the power that I have in terms of creating messages that communicate, that which needs to be communicated, using different mediums and also abiding to the social responsibilities.

I also do understand that, through visual literacy, we as designers, without saying a word we make orders, control how people feel, empower people and most importantly are very helpful in making the world become a better place. I created this blog  to showcase my design work so that I can be constructively criticized, this blog will also serve as a platform for all designers or should I say creatives,  to engage at a level that will point us to a certain direction with endless possibilities.

The world is changing at a phenomenal rate and our environments, which in most cases play a role in influencing us greatly as designers in terms of coming up with concepts that work, are also changing hence the need to engage as creatives on many aspects has become very crucial.

David Airey, graphic designer

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